Chiliz Staking FAQ
How often do staking rewards pay out?
Rewards compound (or "add up" to your CHZ stake every time an epoch passes, an epoch being 28,800 blocks on Chiliz Chain Mainnet (or roughly 24 hours). Technically, rewards pay out as every block passes, and it’s updated on the Governance dApp once every epoch (≈ once every day).
On the Chiliz Governance dApp, your staked CHZ includes both the total amount of CHZ that you have staked, and any staking rewards earned since then. Your staked balance is updated daily.
Note that the amount listed on the Governance site is not updated live, but once per epoch.
Do the rewards start to accrue immediately?
Yes, rewards accrue daily after staking, until you undelegate.
How can I claim my rewards?
To claim your CHZ, you must first undelegate them (which takes up to 3 days / 2 full epochs / 72,000 blocks), then claim them.
On the Chiliz Governance site, “Pending CHZ” refers to tokens that are in the process of being undelegated, which takes up to 3 days (at least 72,000 blocks). After this period, your CHZ will be available for claiming.
How long do I need to wait to claim my rewards?
You need to wait 72,000 blocks (up to 3 days) between the moment you request an amount of staked CHZ to be undelegated, and the moment you can claim them. This is called the “cooling period”, or "cooldown period".
Are my rewards compounded with my stake?
Yes, your rewards are added to your stake. This way, even your rewards can bring you even more rewards.
Where can I see my rewards?
Your rewards are compounded to your staked CHZ.
Can I stake from Ledger?
Yes, you can stake CHZ from your Ledger. See this documentation:
Is the commission rate percentage subtracted from the APR visible on Chiliz Staking?
No, the commission fee is deducted before the rewards are distributed. So it is unrelated to the APR.
How many CHZ is it advisable to keep in the wallet to have the necessary amount for unstaking?
Just a few, 5-10 CHZ should cover the gas for the claim transaction.
How should I pick the validator I stake my CHZ to?
We will never tell you who to pledge your CHZ to. It is up to you to make that decision.
Our advice is:
Find out more about each validator's reputation.
Pay attention to the commission rate for each validator -- the fee taken by the validator from the cut of all staking rewards, for the service they provide.
Pay attention to the voting power for each validator -- a validator's influence and stability within Chiliz Chain. It does not necessarily mean more staking rewards for stakers.
What are the risks if the validators make some mistakes?
The only risks are the validator being offline for more than 12 hours. Because of this, the epoch rewards would be removed as a penalty, and the validator might choose to remove their CHZ, which would result in the validator no longer generating rewards.
In any case, you can request the undelegate without problems.
Last updated
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